Today was a good package receiving day. Yes, there has been some yarn buying... resulting in a nice big box from Webs today at work, and then I got home and there were a couple of books from Amazon (non-knitting books - imagine!) and..
Yup, the first package from my Secret Pal and I love it! My secret pal has been great - tons of comments on the blog and e-mail and already a great package that totally fits in with the kind of things I like without being things I've seen before!
First I opened the Noni Felted Carpet Bags pattern booklet - cute! Then... Rowan Felted Collection. I've always wanted to look into some Rowan patterns, but I hadn't really known where to start, so this is perfect. And hey, I don't know if this a coincidence, but one of my favorite patterns in the book (Andi Messenger Bag - ravelry link) is already in my queue! There are many patterns I would definitely make... Pop Bag, Sophia Bracelets, Jessie Ribbon Bag, Clack Knitting Bag and the Pippa Bag, and possibly a couple of others also.
But it gets even better.... I got Knitting Never Felt Better by Nicky Epstein which is an absolutely beautiful book with tons of before and after photos of swatches with all kinds of ideas for stitch patterns and various techniques for felting which will be really fun to try and turn into little projects or adapt into other projects. I really enjoyed making the one skein clutch and have been planning on trying more felted projects so this is all perfect.
Thank you so much secret pal!!