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Friday, September 12, 2008



I am falling in love with this project too. You might just be *enabling* me! Damn! I have been so good with my stash and projects in the works.


wow, this is looking beautiful. can't wait to see it finished....


Your squares are lovely and I am inspired and excited to get started, however I can't seem to get started! I'm hoping you could help me with a problem I'm having. I just bought this book (Knitalong) and am having trouble getting started on the square. Is there an error or am I just retarded? It says to cast on 12, then knit a row, then K1,YO K1 YO K1 and repeat. Every time I do this I have 2 stitches left over. I'm supposed to end up with 20 stitches. Any way I count it out it doesn't make sense. What am I doing wrong? Thanks for any help you could provide!

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