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Saturday, August 30, 2008



I am a sucker for Madelintosh yarns. Her colors are fabulous. I have yet to knit with her yarn but I keep buying her yarn just for the colors. I just got her Tosh Worsted which is available at Woolgirl and I am winding the yarn today so I can cast on the Favorite Sweater from Custom Knits.

Welcome to the wonder that is Madelintosh.


I'm so glad you like the book!! You are right that cardigans, especially like the Lion Neck one in Custom Knits, are a bit easier to fit. However, once you select a pattern, I'm happy to help you with selecting the right size/customizations to get the fit perfect. Knitting sweaters top-down is a great way to ensure the right fit, as you can try them on mid-stream by slipping them onto waste yarn. Another trick I use is not only to try them on, but also then to wash them while I have them half-knit, on waste yarn. This is unorthodox but helps me ensure that it's not going to grow too much lengthwise, as I've had that happen before. Sometimes you can wash the swatch and measure the results but the entire sweater behaves differently because of its overall weight (kind of a sum being greater than its parts thing.) Hope you're having a great weekend!

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