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Tuesday, March 04, 2008



Because of the cotton/acrylic content in the yarn, steam blocking will only do a small part of the magic ladder-disappearing trick. It really will need a good go 'round in the washer for those stitches to even out. But they will even out, don't worry about that.
And yay for Clapotis copying! I gave my version to my mother in-law so I rarely get to see it. (And I never get to wear it.) I'm tempted to make another just for me!

Octopus Knits

Your skirt is going to be great (and love that it's artichoke colored!) - I bet the laddering will go away with washing / blocking - and a collaborative baby blanket sounds like fun!

I don't see anything wrong with "copying" something you like - that Clapotis scarf is lovely...

P.S. Thanks for your nice comments about my tessellating fish baby blanket : )

mac cosmetics online

Lipglass is a bit sticky. But it's not the stickiest lip gloss I've ever used, and it's certainly not annoyingly sticky. I will compromise and call it "the right amount of stickiness"...at least for me anyway.

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