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« Hanami | Main | Socks that Rock rock! »

Saturday, August 25, 2007



HeeHee, I kept checking to make sure you got it and here it is!! I am so glad you like it. Enjoy all of the goodies. I had an absolute blast figuring out what I was going to get you. I love these swaps.


wow is this ever great. so generous.

i sent you just a little humble postcard from vancouver island. hope you get it. our is mail is slow.


Lucky you! I am jealous of your STR (especially Little Bunny Foo foo)!


nice vvs package! you received some wonderful items! the chocolate that looks like rocks are very cute. have fun with it.


the yarn looks as yummy as the treats. Can't wait to see your socks when done.


That is great you got to go somewhere you'd like to see sometime, what a nice package.
Those chocolate rocks are pretty neat, huh? I got my pal chocolate "shells" from the beach!

Isabelle aka Tricotine

What a wonderful package you got! I bet you enjoyed your Virtual Vacation to Oregon.. LOL

Personally, I went to Hollywood and that was something too! :-))


What an awesome vacation package! 2 skeins of STR .... drool, drool! ;o)

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