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Thursday, June 07, 2007



:) The car trips with your family sound awesome. We didn't get to do any of that until I was old enough to drive... and scared enough of my dad's driving. LOL.

Stacey B.

Hello fellow vacation swapper! I read in your questionaire that you would like to learn to crochet. My grandfather taught me when I was 8 but I have since taught many friends to crochet.

I recently found a book that has really clear photos and instructions. (It is also pretty cheap!) It's called Instant Expert: Crochet by Katy Beven. I have recommended it to a couple of new crocheters who have found it helpful.


Wow! The boarding school on a cliff overlooking the sea sounds beautiful! Although, I'm having visions of Harry Potter's "Hogwarts", so I might be a little off. LOL

I'd love to visit NY, but honestly, I'm kinda scared to. I'm used to the slow pace that we have down south and that much bustle would probably give me a nervous breakdown! LOL The hubby has been and says that it's something that everyone should experience at least once. :-)

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