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Wednesday, May 16, 2007



THAT YARN IS BEAUTIFUL. I am so excited!

(Umm, it's okay to wear fingerless gloves in summer, right? Because seriously, how can I possibly be expected to wait until WINTER? Am I made of stone?)


Maybe you can vacation somewhere cold?!!! Or go to highly air conditioned places?!!!


Fabulous stash enhancers!!! I love the Koigu and the Manos del Uruguay!! I can't wait to see what they are knitted into!

Bashirs Momma

The colors are LOVELY! I especially love Koigu and Manos... and have lots of untouched skeins of it... just in case they discontinue the colors.

How could they?



Wow, what a beautiful group of yarns. Amazing how gorgeous they can be. And, I never thought of putting balls into glass display jars--THAT'S A GREAT IDEA!!! Thanks for putting it into my head :)

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