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« Wildflowers | Main | Garter stitch never looked so good »

Friday, May 18, 2007



Wonderful!!!! The scarf is absolutely "you"! I'm pleased it all worked out. (Don't you just love that Gisha? I have a couple of skeins of a blue/violet mix- just might use your idea!)


I like your scarf. I did one very simular called the Potato Chip Scarf (because of all the layered ruffles) for my daughter to wear to a Christmas party. It was black yarn with a silver metallic thread running though it and thought I'd never get the thing finished. My eyes aren't what they used to be and the black on a winter's day - days, didn't work together very well. Each stitch increased for a particular number of rows and it turned out to be pretty, but, never again.

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