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« Spring is in the air! | Main | Molly's cardigan »

Friday, March 30, 2007



I can't believe you've only been knitting for a few months and you have managed to dream up such a big and varied list! You will be sooo busy and I can just see that stash starting to grow.....lovely to 'meet' you by the way - I'll be back to see how your real and fantasy knitting is progressing!


You have excellent taste! I like a lot of things on your wishlist to knit and as you explore you will find many more. I know I always do and you just added some to my list. Now to find yarn alternatives....


I'm the same way! I have so many projects I want to knit, it's hard to decide! Then, every time I read knitblogs, I get overloaded with ideas! I wish I could just stay at home and knit instead of work :)

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